
See what clients say about working with
Body Unity Systems

ZoyaMarie has taught me that exercises aren’t just from a list with a certain number of reps. Zoyamarie opened up a new way of understanding and working my body, feeling my body, so I could get in touch with the precision of the things I do, my regime, even my standing and walking. This has facilitated greater stability of my lower body and therefore greater ease in my overall movement patterns.

She offers imagery that helps me feel what I am doing. The more in touch I become to my body and what it needs, the better I can use it for basketball, my passion. Through ZoyaMarie’s on-line Movement Coaching I feel I am moving closer to my goal, ..strength, coordination, and joyful ease of movement. All are necessary in basketball. I’m so excited about my future!!


Sophomore in college in pursuit of a basketball career

As a professional ballet dancer, I came to ZoyaMarie because I wanted to improve my ballet, not because I had pain. In this process I discovered that many things that I had learned over the years were actually a wrong way of moving. The combination of techniques that Body Unity Systems uses is why I had the benefit that I did. Simply, freeing the Fascia and re-training/re-thinking how to move my body created the amazing changes. I love this synergistic relationship.

The ability and new awareness has stayed with me.. I even re-learned how to walk!! ..to allow my arms to swing, to breathe so my ribcage would move and to spiral my hips in figure 8’s. With all the education I received I can consciously make better choices for how I hold my body and use my body, for both ballet and in everyday life.

Ali Meijer

Principal Ballet Dancer, San Jose Ballet

Hi, I’m Anne Lieberman, I have worked w/ ZoyaMarie for some years now. I came to her with a variety of issues in my body. My feet, so much pain that I was forced into orthopedic shoes, she got me out of them. Neck issues that ZoyaMarie found was coming from postural mis-placement in alignment with gravity. 

She added the additional focus on how to address my particular scoliosis, and the importance of understanding that MY body is UNIQUE to itself, has been so very helpful and made me feel that I am heard, and my body is heard… making for a fuller experience on many levels. And now I know how to exercise, walk, and be using natural human function in all that I do. 

As of late, with the COVID limitations, I engaged with Zoom to further my work with ZoyaMarie. I was wishing I could be there in person to receive the care I was accustomed to, but I have found that ZoyaMarie is incredible at seeing the very specific nuances of my movement, and therefore able to offer very valuable coaching. Her online work has been continually impressive and I feel seen, and coached in valuable ways that truly make my life more enjoyable. 

I am 74 yrs old, and still so happy to easily get on and off the floor, to take walks with my husband, and to even clean my own house because I know how to move the way nature intended me to. ZoyaMarie has been a large piece of this experience. 

Anne Lieberman

Retired Financial Advisor/Author

I came to Body Unity because I was curious about YOU!  I was on the web doing research about posture and I ran across Tom Myers (Anatomy Trains) I looked for someone in CA and I found you.  Oh, look! She’s a Pilates teacher!, oh she’s a dancer!, oh she’s been through the Franklin Method Teacher Training!! I’ve got to meet this woman!  So after one introductory session with you I thought, “I guess I’ll do this!” 

Now, after working with you,  I don’t hurt anywhere. It’s easier for me to do the everyday stuff of life.  I really notice it when I’m teaching Pilates (I’m probably twice the age of most of the people who come to the class).  I may not be muscle strong, but I can move well in my body.  I now have even more mobility.  I was thinking about taking up golf or going back to dance.  

After the session on the neck and head, my voice opened up and was more resonant. This is really great for an older person, rather than sounding weak and raspy. 

Even though every week I had to drive x no of miles from Lake Tahoe to San Rafael to work with you, it was worth it!

Anne Brake

Pilates Teacher/Realtor

Finding ZoyaMarie changed my life!

When I began working with ZoyaMarie,  I was suffering from an auto-immune disease. I could hardly get out of bed or even walk. Getting out of the car to go in the house felt monumental. Getting dressed or lifting my arms was torturous. I was on prednisone, which, though I knew it had its downside,  the pain was so great that I felt I had no choice. …..On many levels, i felt my life force was diminishing.

I began to notice changes after just a handful of sessions with ZoyaMarie. One day, after pulling my shirt over my head when getting dressed, I realized that I had had no sensation of pain while doing it!!!  

This was a WOW moment!

Now, with new body awareness, I am taking long walks, doing exercises, working in the garden….and living my life with renewed vigor. ZoyaMarie teaches me ways to to move that I was unaware of despite doing Yoga for 35 yrs. 

I have enormous gratitude for ZoyaMarie. She has not only been instrumental in my healing journey but has guided and empowered me to heal myself by providing me with the tools to do so. I continue to be coached by her online which has proven to be very effective. 

She has totally changed my life!!

Ronnie Feldman

retired Kindergarten Teacher

ZoyaMarie Jilbere is one of the most knowledgeable instructors I have taken classes from and readily shares her wisdom and knowledge with her students

As an Ironman triathlete in my 50’s, ZoyaMarie’s Z’Move classes have greatly helped me recover from my strenuous training, help improve my flexibility, balance, and mobility with the use of mental imagery. She is one of the few instructors that actually explains in detail why we do an exercise and how it benefits our body and overall health.

Patty Sanders


ZoyaMarie’s genuine magic is in the way she blends all her knowledge and skills together to deliver sessions with remarkable precision and deep love, facilitating powerful transformation.

The level at which she works is of the highest caliber and I am so grateful for the incredible healing I’ve experienced in my life and body from her modalities.

If you have the opportunity to receive her offerings, you will be glad you did.

Alina Faye

bodyworker, dancer, and intuit

ZoyaMarie is an inspirational teacher who clearly communicates the conceptual ideas of the Franklin Method by expert demonstration and imagery. She has taught many workshops/classes for ballet students of all ages and ballet teachers as well. She finds ways to present the material in an age appropriate manner.

Ilona McHugh

former dancer with American Ballet Theatre, Ballet Teacher/Coach

I have been working with ZoyaMarie for over 15 years. During this time, she has educated me about natural function and the essence of good alignment, freed my muscle and fascial tissue, and was instrumental in my recovery through two serious bicycle accidents.

Though I had access to traditional physical therapy, ZoyaMarie added tremendous dimension and understanding to my exercise program, thus helping me to achieve greater recovery, function, and range of motion than my doctors envisioned for me.

I am back on my bike, taking long, joyful rides alongside my husband…and loving it!

During the restrictions caused by Covid-19, I have worked with ZoyaMarie exclusively online. Even in this format, she is very effective, noticing subtle details in my movement and holding patterns, and providing useful and specific guidance.

ZoyaMarie is compassionate and brings a sense of fun to her work. The things I have gained from her guidance have benefited so many aspects of my life, helping me to remain healthy and pursue all of the activities that I love.

Laurel Elkjer


Need more info? Connect with ZoyaMarie!

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